Paid Professional Roles
Auditions for AspenDream Productions™
Note Auditions are On-going
Category: Non-Equity Audition
You’re invited to the immersive theater experience where everyone is family!
“Just like a real wedding… only funnier.”
AspenDream Productions seeks submissions for an open-ended run for their comedy wedding and murder mystery productions. The productions are produced, written, and directed by Janice Luise-Lutkus, the original producer of the 25 plus years running in New England.
Seeking actors and actresses for major roles in the upcoming productions of ASPENDREAM PRODUCTIONS COMEDY WEDDING AND MURDER MYSTERY SHOWS which are playing throughout CT at various name venues. At this time we are only accepting CT actors and actress because rehearsals are in CT.
We are seeking men and women ages 18-80 – any ethnicity. Only people with outgoing personalities need apply. Improvisational skills and acting experience is helpful. Singing is a plus.
Those interested are asked to send a headshot and resume, or a recent photo. Actors must be available for rehearsals and performances they are selected for. This is an excellent opportunity to work with professional actors from the original CT production. This is a non-equity production. Pay involved.
Please submit resume and photos to with name, email address, and phone number. Audition date and time will be assigned via e-mail.
Since opening to full houses in Connecticut in 1997, AspenDream Productions™ combine professionally scripted comical and musical performances, authentic costuming, creating a unique formula for audiences not seen anywhere else. Our seven performances have won the hearts of over 20,000 guests in over 72 cities in New England! The exciting interactive murder mystery dinner theater shows have appeared in major venues and cruise boats throughout CT. The shows surround the notorious “Uncle Franco”, New York mobster and his “family”.
For Better & For Worse© –Comedy Wedding; Mob’s Murder Mystery©; Murder is a Family Business©; A Halloween WhoDunnit©; Holidays Can Kill You©; Class Reunions Can Be Murder©; New Year’s Eve Murder Mystery Masquerade© our newest show, I Haven’t Got a Clue©.
UNCLE FRANCO MACHIAVELLI: (40’s-60’s)Mobster. Lead role. Does monologues. Runs da bizness. Not very bright. Mispronounces words often.
AGENT ORANGE: (20’s- 60’s) Franco did him wrong. Now on a vendetta. He is the “master of disguise’. Must be an actor who can memorize a lot of material. Lead in most of the murder mysteries.
STELLA MACHIAVELLI(40’s-60’s) Franco’s ex. Lead roles. Does monologues. She will get even. Still has a thing for Franco. Hates the Lambrusco’s.
MAMA LAMBRUSCO: (40-60’s) Runs the Lambrusco Clan. Does not like the Machiavelli’s. Makes the best sauce.
DANNY LAMBRUSCO: (20’s to 40’s) Groom. Spoiled by Mama Lambrusco. Loves the ladies. No intention of gettin’ married.
DONNA MACHIAVELLI:(20’s to 40’s)Bride. Spoiled niece of Stella and Franco. Loves Danny. Mama doesn’t like her.
FATHER O’FLASKY: (20’s to 60’s) Has a drinkin’ problem. Irish accent. Other secrets… Important comedic role.
MARIO “ONE MINUTE” MANCINI: (20’s to 60’s) Stupid. Think of “Fredo” in the Godfather.
TONY “TWO BITS”: (20’s to 60’s) Franco’s Goon. Has a gambling problem.
JOHNNY POCKETS: (20’s to 60’s) Consigliore. Franco’s Goon.
SOPHIA I’CASTRA YA: (20’s to 50’s) Franco’s latest fling. Loves money and men. Has to be very very very big. Critical role.
EILEEN DOVER(20’s to 30’s) Maid of honor. Loves Danny.
POM POM SPLITZ: (20’s -50’s) Head Cheerleader. Fox. Currently works in fast food but no one knows.
HUGH JASS (20’s-50’s) Presidential candidate. Jock, elected to everything. Most likely to murder his wife.
BARBIE DAHL: (20’s-50’s) Model. Husbands tend to “disappear”.
HOT LIPS HOOLIGAN:(20-50’s) Real Estate Agent that gives and gives.
SISTER MERRY ROSE: (30-60’s) Presides of the school of “lost causes”.
CALVIN SCUZZO: (40’s-60’s)School janitor with a drinking problem. Never works. Reads girlie magazines.
MRS. STACKWELL(40’s -60’s) German accent. Former head of the militant wing of the NY public library. Lead role.
Please send an email to: to schedule your appointment. An audition confirmation e-mail will be sent with full details on what will be expected at your audition. Audition appointments by e-mail are preferred, but if you do not have access to e-mail call the AspenDream Productions Audition Line at 860-309-1341 between 10AM and 2PM Monday thru Friday.